Features list

We give you the friendly, reliable tools you need for better recruitment.

Screen candidates at scale

Intelligent resume scoring

Worklife Recruit (ex SmartCV) automatically analyzes the candidate’s resume and its individual characteristics and ranks (0-100%) each candidate according to their relevance with the job position.

Powerful filtering

Filter candidates on 15+ criteria, automatically extracted from their resume, covering work experience, skills, education etc.

Automatic recommendations of archived candidates

Get recommendations for candidates you already have on file that fit to currently open positions.

Automatic detection of the candidate's geographic location

The candidate's geographic location is automatically recognized and the geographic distance from the location of the job is accurately calculated.

Custom filters

All candidate closed responses to custom questions are automatically converted to filtering criteria.

Uniform candidate view

Unstructured resumes are turned into structured profiles that include all key resume information.

Blind hiring mode

When enabled, Blind Hiring mode automatically anonymizes the candidate profile by removing name, photo, contact details, age, nationality, team comments and optionally location, dates and school names.

All candidates in one place

Career site

Attract candidates with your own career site that Worklife Recruit (ex SmartCV) automatically creates for you and is compatible with both desktop and mobile.

Drag and drop resume import from Outlook

Import many resumes at once directly from MS Outlook with a simple drag and drop.

Job mailbox

Receive resumes by email sent to the dedicated mailbox in the form of xyz@jobs.smartcv.co that may be created for each job.

Resume mass import

Bulk upload tens or hundreds of resumes at once.

Efficiently track candidates

Pipeline stages

Track the candidate's progress through different and customizable hiring stages.

Compare candidates

Easily compare candidates on a specific stage with an export to Excel option.

Internal vacancies

Track candidates for positions that are not published at the career site.

Comments and evaluations

Comment and evaluate the candidates using free text and number ratings. You may also filter and sort them respectively.

Integrated candidate communication

Communicate with the candidate through the application without revealing your regular email and share this communication with other team members.

Candidate timeline

View in one place all the activity around the candidate such as hiring stage progress, comments, evaluation and emails.

Send bulk personalized emails

Reach to multiple candidates at each hiring stage.

Interview kits

Structure the interview with questions and notes on each answer from team members.

Save files to the candidate profile

Keep important documents such as certificates, licenses, portfolios in one place.

Custom questions

Get specific information from candidates through custom questions, open and closed.


Organize candidates with custom tags for easy future retrieval.

Follow candidates

Monitor all the activity (comments, evaluation, emails etc.) of specific candidates in one place.

Search all candidates

Search all the candidates from all jobs in one place with multiple filtering and sorting criteria.


Get insights on the time and effort of your recruitment process.

Export to Excel

Export structured profile data for a single job or even an entire organization to Excel.


Create your own templates for repeatable job descriptions and email communication.

Multiple companies

Track the candidates of multiple companies, each with its own career site and settings.

Collaborate with your team

Unlimited number of users

Invite all your team members at no extra cost.

Job assignment

Each team member may only access specific jobs that are assigned to them.

Team notifications

Notify other team members on specific comments and evaluations.

Multiple security levels

Each team member may only access specific application features.

Customizable roles

Create your own custom roles for team members with specific access rights.

Video Interviews

Set the duration of the response

Set the maximum duration of the response for each question.

Set the number of video takes

The candidate can perform more than one video takes and finally choose the one he/she prefers.

Thinking time

You can set thinking time before the video recording. When elapsed, recording starts automatically.

Custom video messages

Show the candidate a custom corporate video at the beginning and/or the end of the video interview.

Questions in video

Each question can be accompanied by a relevant video.

Sharing capability

Share the video interview; it can be shared even to users without a password, using an auto-expriring link.

Notes in text format

The candidate can add notes in text format to his/her response.

Video interview recall

The candidate may withdraw their video interview.

Audio only option

The candidate may respond by using audio only.

GDPR compliant

Data security & privacy

All data stored in secure data centers in European Union.

Data retention period

Set the retention period for all applicant data.

Candidate withdrawal

The candidate may withdraw her application/video interview.

Terms acceptance customization

Customize the way the candidate views/accepts your privacy policy.